Cherry Guava: niche analysis

Cherry Guava  
aka Strawberry Guava
Psidium cattleyanum

Habits: tropical American rainforest; suitable for subtropics

Needs, tolerances & susceptibilities: water - medium, regular for first year until established; drainage - good; sun - full to part shade; not fussy on soil types; pollination - self

Characteristics and behaviours: form - tree/shrub; height - 5m, prunable; root structure - shallow; growth rate - slow; evergreen

Design functions: shade, wind break

Products: food - fruit; animal food - poultry; harvest time - spring; fibre - timber, fuel

Ecological functions: soil improvement - carbon; wildlife habitat/food - small animals

Resources: above image from

Integration plan: Available at Ladybird Nursery; placement along South fence to screen from neighbours and provide shade for ginger, turmeric, and galangal against midday and afternoon summer sun; irrigation from water catchments #3 and #4 overflow, draining to rear of site.
